Fall River - Joyful Sounds Main Studio

Piano Party!

Ages 7 to 10


“Piano Party” Pilot Class

Get ready to kick off your March Break with music, fun, and learning at our exclusive Piano Party Pilot Class!

This is a unique opportunity to experience a brand-new way of learning the piano with a fun and creative twist.
A chance to dive right into playing piano in a dynamic group setting with innovative activities and engaging songs!

What You Can Expect:
- Two Half Days of Musical Fun:
- Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM (each day)
Each morning will consist of two distinct Piano Party Lessons, spaced apart with time for free time play and snack in between (student brings snacks)

Inclusive, Creative Learning:

Everyone plays together, but everyone thrives individually! Whether you're a total beginner or already have some experience, our differentiated approach ensures that you’ll be challenged, yet supported.

Fun, Hands-On Activities:

From pinching crabs for staccato to exploring fortissimo dynamics for the Giant, your musical language will grow through playful and memorable activities.

Learner Choice & Exploratory Fun:

Choose your own musical path with exploratory approaches and creative options in the lesson plans. Get hands-on with thematic workbooks, all designed to help you make music in exciting ways!

Because this is a pilot project, we will be taking photos and videos of the action as we learn & play. No photos or videos will be shared publicly without parental permission.

🎉 A Classroom Full of Music and Fun!
At Joyful Sounds, we believe learning is most enjoyable when everyone is included, and every individual is empowered to grow. With Piano Party, whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience, we make sure that everyone plays together while thriving individually.

✨ Innovative Curriculum for Every Learner
Our differentiated activities and songs allow students to learn at their own pace while feeling part of the group. Each lesson plan is designed to help you concentrate on outstanding delivery and the progress of every student, no matter their level.

🎵 Learner Choice + Creative Exploration
Our curriculum goes beyond the traditional approach with learner choice and exploratory techniques. Thematic workbooks and creative activities ensure that students are not just following instructions—they’re shaping their musical journey in fun, exciting ways!

💡 Interactive, Playful Learning
From pinching crabs for staccato playing to exploring fortissimo dynamics for the Giant, our engaging, hands-on activities make musical language and communication come to life! These playful exercises help students develop a solid foundation for technique and expression while keeping the experience fresh and full of joy.

🌟 The Core of Our Class: Creative Choices
Piano Party isn’t just about playing music—it’s about discovering creativity. With an environment where you’re encouraged to experiment and express yourself, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your musical confidence grows.
Piano Party!
Uh-oh. It looks like the class you selected is over. Please select another class, or contact the studio for more information. We’re sorry for any inconvenience!
Join Anytime
09:00 AM
Ages 7 - 10
180 minutes
Fall River, NS
$75 includes workbooks, classes & games

Miss Louise

Miss Louise

Louise MacDonald is the passionate Kindermusik Educator & Top Program Studio Owner of Joyful Sounds Music Studio. Having a B. Music and B. Music Education made a career in Kindermusik a natural choice for Louise. She has 15 years of teaching experience with the public school system and Kindermusik, and every day of sharing her love of music with children and families is an absolute joy! Find out more about Louise and her fellow educators at her personal website, www.joyfulsounds.ca

Joyful Sounds Music Studio Inc - Fall River - Joyful Sounds Main Studio

Welcome to our amazing studio space in Fall River Nova Scotia! We are conveniently located where Hwy 102 & 118 meet, across from Inn on the Lake. Whether you live in Bedford, Sackville, Dartmouth, Elmsdale, Larry Uteck, etc - we are just a short drive away! We hope you find it as warm and inviting as we do, with lots of inspiration to make beautiful music together. We offer Kindermusik classes at all age levels, as well as private Piano, Voice, Guitar, Fiddle, Drums & Ukulele lessons. Concert Bands, Singing Groups, Summer Broadway & Cover Band Camps too! Register online or call us today! Looking for Kindermusik at another location? We have several satellite options in West Bedford, Stewiacke and continue to grow!

3060 Hwy #2
Suite #202/204
Fall River, NS B2T1J5

Special Directions

Our studio is conveniently located right off Hwy 118 & Hwy 102, across from Inn on the Lake. Call us if you need more directions, or refer to our map

Studio Policy

Joyful Sounds Enrollment Information


All lessons and classes occurring during the regular School Year (Sept to June) have monthly payment plans. These payments are charged on the 1st of the month. Please ensure your credit information is up-to-date for payments to occur. All monthly payments have factored in the amount of classes or lessons for the school year, including possible holidays and closures. Most months have 4 lessons. Some have 3; Some have 5. The cost has been averaged out across the year for equal payments to make it easy on your budgeting plan. No matter if your lesson or class falls on a Monday or Thursday, every day gets equal totals for the year.

Camps and Other Events Parties, PD Day Camps, Workshops, etc will have one-time payments due at registration, or a deposit and remainder due closer to the start date. All specifications can be found when registering for specific items.

Some classes may have a materials fee upon registration. Again, this will be laid out on any registration pages.

Late Payments

Our front office works diligently to connect with any families who may have payment issues on the first of the month. If late payments are not made by the 10th of the month, an additional $10 charge will be added to the account. Another additional $10 charge will be placed if account is still in arrears by the 20th of the month. Failure to pay for classes or lessons on time may result in being removed from the program.


Private Lessons: Our teachers mostly work full time at the studio and are in high demand. It is very difficult for them to make up time that students miss due to vacations, absence, etc.  If a student is home with symptoms but otherwise able to attend a lesson, we can switch that lesson to a Virtual Lesson at their regularly scheduled time. Please try your best to attend lessons as scheduled. Our instructors are booked for specific time slots and if you arrive late, your lesson will not be extended.

Lesson students will also have access to our Make-Up Scheduler in the MyMusicStaff Calendar View. There are three specific times during the School Year that have been set aside specifically for Make-Up Lessons: Fall (end of Nov), Winter (end of April) and Spring (end of June). During those specific days, no regular classes and lessons will run. The purpose will be to catch up on make-ups due for student illness/absence, and sometimes teacher absence if possible.

When a student misses a lesson, they are marked absent and given a make-up credit. These credits can then be used or “cashed-in” during these specific dates. You can sign up for make-up lessons about one month prior to the dates listed. Once the dates are open, an email will be sent with instructions on how to book your makeup lesson through the calendar view, and we can also book through Front Desk.

If a teacher needs to cancel for illness or other reasons and there is not possible make-up option, the studio will financially credit the family and that credit will come off the very next monthly fee.

Please note that there may be a possibility that your make-up lesson will not be with your regular weekly teacher, but you can rest assured that the teacher will be qualified to teach the lesson and will be up to date on what the student is working on.

Kindermusik Classes:  We have an unlimited make-up policy for Kindermusik classes. You will be required to sign up for classes and there is a limit to how many students can sign up. This is done through the parent portal (my.kindermusik.com) on the Kindermusik page of our website. You can also call or email if you need any help.

Snow Days

Now that we are Virtual experts, private lessons for any snow cancellations will be moved to the virtual learning format. You will simply log on and have your musical experience from home!

Group Classes of all sorts typically will be pushed to our Make-Up Days (see above)

If classes or lessons needs to be move to virtual or cancelled, there are three options to check for cancellations:

1. You can call the studio at 861-2702 after approximately 8am to hear our voicemail.

2. You can check our website (www.joyfulsounds.ca)

3. You can check our Facebook Page or Instagram pages (Joyful Sounds Music Studio) with cancellation information. 

If ever you feel you cannot make Kindermusik classes due to weather when we remain open, remember you can access your unlimited make-up and come on a different day. You MUST register for a make-up option in my.kindermusik.com

Withdrawal Policy

If you need to withdrawal or discontinue for any reason, please provide written notice to info@joyfulsounds.ca before the 1st of the month, prior to the next billing cycle (1st of the month). If written notice is received after this time frame, the next month will be charged as per normal, and you will be able to attend all classes and lessons that month.

Example: if you wish to end classes at the end of May, ensure your notice is received by May 31st in order to stop the billing for June 1st.

Enjoy the Musical Moments!

There’s lots more to learn about our studio, but this gives you the what’s what for financial and registration information. We will share more as we go along, but please join our Private Facebook Group, and make sure that info@joyfulsounds.ca is an email address that you trust - check your spam!

If you have any questions we're happy to help at (902)861-2702!

Joyful Sounds Music Studio

3060 Hwy #2, Suite #204, Fall River, NS, B2T 1J5